Sunday, May 2, 2010

Take a Hike in Dominica

One of best ways to truly get a feel for Dominica, the landscape, culture and it's people is to WALK. Local hiking groups like the Dwivayez and the DHTA organised Hike Fests are a good way if you want to hike with a group.
On Saturday for the first of three "Hike Fest" hikes, we walked Segment 6: The Kalinago Territory, Salybia to Pagua Bay, passing along the old Kalinago Trails and ending up at Silks Boutique Hotel.
It was a really nice hike with our Kalinago guide Prosper Paris, passing through Kalinago villages that you would normally just drive through and taking the time to appreciate some of their culture, history and how they live today.
However if one of the aims of Hike Fest is to get the average Dominican out to experience the various sites they may not ordinarily get to see and to appreciate the hiking potential of the island, it would have been nice to see more locals participate, especially school children and it may be that the pricing needs to be reviewed.
I am eagerly awaiting the Waitukubuli National trail to be finished so I can walk and truly "see" my island from top to bottom.
Click Hike Fest slide show to view a slideshow.